
Example Task Template
Extend kubectl with plugins
Manage HugePages
Schedule GPUs
Manage Memory, CPU, and API Resources
Access Clusters Using the Kubernetes API
Access Services Running on Clusters
Advertise Extended Resources for a Node
Autoscale the DNS Service in a Cluster
Change the Reclaim Policy of a PersistentVolume
Change the default StorageClass
Cluster Management
Configure Default CPU Requests and Limits for a Namespace
Configure Default Memory Requests and Limits for a Namespace
Configure Memory and CPU Quotas for a Namespace
Configure Minimum and Maximum CPU Constraints for a Namespace
Configure Minimum and Maximum Memory Constraints for a Namespace
Configure Multiple Schedulers
Configure Out Of Resource Handling
Configure Quotas for API Objects
Configure a Pod Quota for a Namespace
Control CPU Management Policies on the Node
Customizing DNS Service
Debugging DNS Resolution
Declare Network Policy
Developing Cloud Controller Manager
Encrypting Secret Data at Rest
Guaranteed Scheduling For Critical Add-On Pods
IP Masquerade Agent User Guide
Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager
Limit Storage Consumption
Namespaces Walkthrough
Operating etcd clusters for Kubernetes
Persistent Volume Claim Protection
Reconfigure a Node's Kubelet in a Live Cluster
Reserve Compute Resources for System Daemons
Romana for NetworkPolicy
Safely Drain a Node while Respecting Application SLOs
Securing a Cluster
Set Kubelet parameters via a config file
Set up High-Availability Kubernetes Masters
Set up a High-Availablity Etcd Cluster With Kubeadm
Share a Cluster with Namespaces
Static Pods
Storage Object in Use Protection
Use Calico for NetworkPolicy
Use Cilium for NetworkPolicy
Use Kube-router for NetworkPolicy
Using CoreDNS for Service Discovery
Using Sysctls in a Kubernetes Cluster
Using a KMS provider for data encryption
Weave Net for NetworkPolicy

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Sometimes things go wrong. This guide is aimed at making them right. It has two sections:

You should also check the known issues for the release you’re using.

Getting help

If your problem isn’t answered by any of the guides above, there are variety of ways for you to get help from the Kubernetes team.


The documentation on this site has been structured to provide answers to a wide range of questions. Concepts explain the Kubernetes architecture and how each component works, while Setup provides practical instructions for getting started. Tasks show how to accomplish commonly used tasks, and Tutorials are more comprehensive walkthroughs of real-world, industry-specific, or end-to-end development scenarios. The Reference section provides detailed documentation on the Kubernetes API and command-line interfaces (CLIs), such as kubectl.

You may also find the Stack Overflow topics relevant:

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The Kubernetes team hangs out on Slack in the #kubernetes-users channel. You can participate in discussion with the Kubernetes team here. Slack requires registration, but the Kubernetes team is open invitation to anyone to register here. Feel free to come and ask any and all questions.

Once registered, browse the growing list of channels for various subjects of interest. For example, people new to Kubernetes may also want to join the #kubernetes-novice channel. As another example, developers should join the #kubernetes-dev channel.

There are also many country specific/local language channels. Feel free to join these channels for localized support and info:

Mailing List

The Kubernetes / Google Kubernetes Engine mailing list is kubernetes-users@googlegroups.com

Bugs and Feature requests

If you have what looks like a bug, or you would like to make a feature request, please use the Github issue tracking system.

Before you file an issue, please search existing issues to see if your issue is already covered.

If filing a bug, please include detailed information about how to reproduce the problem, such as:


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