Friday, May 15, 2015
Kubernetes Release: 0.17.0
Release Notes:
- update example/walkthrough to v1beta3 #7940 (caesarxuchao)
- update example/rethinkdb to v1beta3 #7946 (caesarxuchao)
- verify the v1beta3 yaml files all work; merge the yaml files #7917 (caesarxuchao)
- update examples/cassandra to api v1beta3 #7258 (caesarxuchao)
- update service.json in persistent-volume example to v1beta3 #7899 (caesarxuchao)
- update mysql-wordpress example to use v1beta3 API #7864 (caesarxuchao)
- Update examples/meteor to use API v1beta3 #7848 (caesarxuchao)
- update node-selector example to API v1beta3 #7872 (caesarxuchao)
- update logging-demo to use API v1beta3; modify the way to access Elasticsearch and Kibana services #7824 (caesarxuchao)
- Convert the skydns rc to use v1beta3 and add a health check to it #7619 (a-robinson)
- update the hazelcast example to API version v1beta3 #7728 (caesarxuchao)
- Fix YAML parsing for v1beta3 objects in the kubelet for file/http #7515 (brendandburns)
- Updated kubectl cluster-info to show v1beta3 addresses #7502 (piosz)
- kubelet: Fix racy kubelet tests. #7980 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/container: Move prober.ContainerCommandRunner to container. #8079 (yifan-gu)
- Kubelet: set host field in the pending pod status #6127 (yujuhong)
- Fix the kubelet node watch #6442 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: recreate mirror pod if the static pod changes #6607 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: record the timestamp correctly in the runtime cache #7749 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: wait until container runtime is up #7729 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: replace DockerManager with the Runtime interface #7674 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: filter out terminated pods in SyncPods #7301 (yujuhong)
- Kubelet: parallelize cleaning up containers in unwanted pods #7048 (yujuhong)
- kubelet: Add container runtime option for rkt. #7952 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Remove build label. #7916 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/metrics: Move instrumented_docker.go to dockertools. #7327 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add GetPods() for rkt. #7599 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add KillPod() and GetPodStatus() for rkt. #7605 (yifan-gu)
- pkg/kubelet: Fix logging. #4755 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Refactor RunInContainer/ExecInContainer/PortForward. #6491 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/DockerManager: Fix returning empty error from GetPodStatus(). #6609 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Move pod infra container image setting to dockertools. #6634 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/fake_docker_client: Use self’s PID instead of 42 in testing. #6653 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/dockertool: Move Getpods() to DockerManager. #6778 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/dockertools: Add puller interfaces in the containerManager. #6776 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Introduce PodInfraContainerChanged(). #6608 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/container: Replace DockerCache with RuntimeCache. #6795 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Clean up computePodContainerChanges. #6844 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Refactor prober. #7009 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/container: Update the runtime interface. #7466 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Refactor isPodRunning() in runonce.go #7477 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add basic rkt runtime routines. #7465 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add podInfo. #7555 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/container: Add GetContainerLogs to runtime interface. #7488 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add routines for converting kubelet pod to rkt pod. #7543 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add RunPod() for rkt. #7589 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add RunInContainer()/ExecInContainer()/PortForward(). #7553 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/container: Move ShouldContainerBeRestarted() to runtime. #7613 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add SyncPod() to rkt. #7611 (yifan-gu)
- Kubelet: persist restart count of a container #6794 (yujuhong)
- kubelet/container: Move pty*.go to container runtime package. #7951 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet: Add container runtime option for rkt. #7900 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Add docker prefix to image string. #7803 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Inject dependencies to rkt. #7849 (yifan-gu)
- kubelet/rkt: Remove dependencies on #7859 (yifan-gu)
- Kubelet talks securely to apiserver #2387 (erictune)
- Rename EnvVarSource.FieldPath -> FieldRef and add example #7592 (pmorie)
- Add containerized option to kubelet binary #7741 (pmorie)
- Ease building kubelet image #7948 (pmorie)
- Remove unnecessary bind-mount from dockerized kubelet run #7854 (pmorie)
- Add ability to dockerize kubelet in local cluster #7798 (pmorie)
- Create docker image for kubelet #7797 (pmorie)
- Security context - types, kubelet, admission #7343 (pweil-)
- Kubelet: Add rkt as a runtime option #7743 (vmarmol)
- Fix kubelet’s docker RunInContainer implementation #7746 (vishh)
- AWS: Don’t try to copy gce_keys in jenkins e2e job #8018 (justinsb)
- AWS: Copy some new properties from config-default => config.test #7992 (justinsb)
- AWS: make it possible to disable minion public ip assignment #7928 (manolitto)
- update AWS CloudFormation template and cloud-configs #7667 (antoineco)
- AWS: Fix variable naming that meant not all tokens were written #7736 (justinsb)
- AWS: Change apiserver to listen on 443 directly, not through nginx #7678 (justinsb)
- AWS: Improving getting existing VPC and subnet #6606 (gust1n)
- AWS EBS volume support #5138 (justinsb)
Introduce an ‘svc’ segment for DNS search #8089 (thockin)
Adds ability to define a prefix for etcd paths #5707 (kbeecher)
Add kubectl log –previous support to view last terminated container log #7973 (dchen1107)
Add a flag to disable legacy APIs #8083 (brendandburns)
make the dockerkeyring handle mutiple matching credentials #7971 (deads2k)
Convert Fluentd to Cloud Logging pod specs to YAML #8078 (satnam6502)
Use etcd to allocate PortalIPs instead of in-mem #7704 (smarterclayton)
eliminate auth-path #8064 (deads2k)
Record failure reasons for image pulling #7981 (yujuhong)
Rate limit replica creation #7869 (bprashanth)
Upgrade to Kibana 4 for cluster logging #7995 (satnam6502)
Added name to kube-dns service #8049 (piosz)
Fix validation by moving it into the resource builder. #7919 (brendandburns)
Add cache with multiple shards to decrease lock contention #8050 (fgrzadkowski)
Delete status from displayable resources #8039 (nak3)
Refactor volume interfaces to receive pod instead of ObjectReference #8044 (pmorie)
fix kube-down for provider gke #7565 (jlowdermilk)
Service port names are required for multi-port #7786 (thockin)
Increase disk size for kubernetes master. #8051 (fgrzadkowski)
expose: Load input object for increased safety #7774 (kargakis)
Improments to conversion methods generator #7896 (wojtek-t)
Added displaying external IPs to kubectl cluster-info #7557 (piosz)
Add missing Errorf formatting directives #8037 (shawnps)
Add startup code to apiserver to migrate etcd keys #7567 (kbeecher)
Use error type from docker go-client instead of string #8021 (ddysher)
Accurately get hardware cpu count in Vagrantfile. #8024 (BenTheElder)
Stop setting a GKE specific version of the kubeconfig file #7921 (roberthbailey)
Make the API server deal with HEAD requests via the service proxy #7950 (satnam6502)
GlusterFS Critical Bug Resolved - Removing warning in README #7983 (wattsteve)
Don’t use the first token
uname -n
as the hostname #7967 (yujuhong)Call kube-down in test-teardown for vagrant. #7982 (BenTheElder)
defaults_tests: verify defaults when converting to an API object #6235 (yujuhong)
Use the full hostname for mirror pod name. #7910 (yujuhong)
Removes RunPod in the Runtime interface #7657 (yujuhong)
Clean up dockertools/manager.go and add more unit tests #7533 (yujuhong)
Adapt pod killing and cleanup for generic container runtime #7525 (yujuhong)
Fix pod filtering in replication controller #7198 (yujuhong)
Print container statuses in
kubectl get pods
#7116 (yujuhong)Prioritize deleting the non-running pods when reducing replicas #6992 (yujuhong)
Fix locking issue in pod manager #6872 (yujuhong)
Limit the number of concurrent tests in integration.go #6655 (yujuhong)
Fix typos in different config comments #7931 (pmorie)
Update cAdvisor dependency. #7929 (vmarmol)
Ubuntu-distro: deprecate & merge ubuntu single node work to ubuntu cluster node stuff#5498 (resouer)
Add control variables to Jenkins E2E script #7935 (saad-ali)
Check node status as part of #7932 (fabioy)
Add old endpoint cleanup function #7821 (lavalamp)
Support recovery from in the middle of a rename. #7620 (brendandburns)
Update Exec and Portforward client to use pod subresource #7715 (csrwng)
Added NFS to PV structs #7564 (markturansky)
Fix environment variable error in Vagrant docs #7904 (posita)
Adds a simple release-note builder that scrapes the Github API for recent PRs #7616(brendandburns)
Scheduler ignores nodes that are in a bad state #7668 (bprashanth)
Set GOMAXPROCS for etcd #7863 (fgrzadkowski)
Auto-generated conversion methods calling one another #7556 (wojtek-t)
Bring up a kuberenetes cluster using coreos image as worker nodes #7445 (dchen1107)
Godep: Add godep for rkt. #7410 (yifan-gu)
Add volumeGetter to rkt. #7870 (yifan-gu)
Update cAdvisor dependency. #7897 (vmarmol)
DNS: expose 53/TCP #7822 (thockin)
Set NodeReady=False when docker is dead #7763 (wojtek-t)
Ignore latency metrics for events #7857 (fgrzadkowski)
SecurityContext admission clean up #7792 (pweil-)
Support manually-created and generated conversion functions #7832 (wojtek-t)
Add latency metrics for etcd operations #7833 (fgrzadkowski)
Update errors_test.go #7885 (hurf)
Change signature of container runtime PullImage to allow pull w/ secret #7861 (pmorie)
Fix bug in Service documentation: incorrect location of “selector” in JSON #7873(bkeroackdsc)
Fix controller-manager manifest for providers that don’t specify CLUSTER_IP_RANGE#7876 (cjcullen)
Fix controller unittests #7867 (bprashanth)
Enable GCM and GCL instead of InfluxDB on GCE #7751 (saad-ali)
Remove restriction that cluster-cidr be a class-b #7862 (cjcullen)
Fix OpenShift example #7591 (derekwaynecarr)
API Server - pass path name in context of create request for subresource #7718 (csrwng)
Rolling Updates: Add support for –rollback. #7575 (brendandburns)
Update to container-vm-v20150505 (Also updates GCE to Docker 1.6) #7820 (zmerlynn)
Fix metric label #7830 (rhcarvalho)
Fix v1beta1 typos in v1beta2 conversions #7838 (pmorie)
skydns: use the etcd-2.x native syntax, enable IANA attributed ports. #7764(AntonioMeireles)
Added port 6443 to kube-proxy default IP address for api-server #7794 (markllama)
Added client header info for authentication doc. #7834 (ashcrow)
Clean up safe_format_and_mount spam in the startup logs #7827 (zmerlynn)
Set allocate_node_cidrs to be blank by default. #7829 (roberthbailey)
Fix event doc link #7823 (saad-ali)
Cobra update and bash completions fix #7776 (eparis)
Fix kube2sky flakes. Fix tools.GetEtcdVersion to work with etcd > 2.0.7 #7675 (cjcullen)
Change kube2sky to use token-system-dns secret, point at https endpoint … #7154(cjcullen)
replica: serialize created-by reference #7468 (simon3z)
Inject mounter into volume plugins #7702 (pmorie)
bringing CoreOS cloud-configs up-to-date (against 0.15.x and latest OS’ alpha) #6973(AntonioMeireles)
Update kubeconfig-file doc. #7787 (jlowdermilk)
Throw an API error when deleting namespace in termination #7780 (derekwaynecarr)
Fix command field PodExecOptions #7773 (csrwng)
Start ImageManager housekeeping in Run(). #7785 (vmarmol)
fix DeepCopy to properly support runtime.EmbeddedObject #7769 (deads2k)
fix master service endpoint system for multiple masters #7273 (lavalamp)
Add genbashcomp to KUBE_TEST_TARGETS #7757 (nak3)
Change the cloud provider TCPLoadBalancerExists function to GetTCPLoadBalancer…#7669 (a-robinson)
Add containerized option to kubelet binary #7772 (pmorie)
Fix swagger spec #7779 (pmorie)
FIX: Issue #7750 - Hyperkube docker image needs certificates to connect to cloud-providers#7755 (viklas)
Add build labels to rkt #7752 (vmarmol)
Check license boilerplate for python files #7672 (eparis)
Reliable updates in rollingupdate #7705 (bprashanth)
Don’t exit abruptly if there aren’t yet any minions right after the cluster is created. #7650(roberthbailey)
A guide to set up kubernetes multiple nodes cluster with flannel on fedora #7357(aveshagarwal)
Setup generators in factory #7760 (kargakis)
Reduce usage of time.After #7737 (lavalamp)
Remove node status from “componentstatuses” call. #7735 (fabioy)
React to failure by growing the remaining clusters #7614 (tamsky)
Fix typo in runtime_cache.go #7725 (pmorie)
Update non-GCE Salt distros to 1.6.0, fallback to ContainerVM Docker version on GCE#7740 (zmerlynn)
Skip SaltStack install if it’s already installed #7744 (zmerlynn)
Expose pod name as a label on containers. #7712 (rjnagal)
Log which SSH key is used in e2e SSH test #7732 (mbforbes)
Add a central simple getting started guide with kubernetes guide. #7649 (brendandburns)
Explicitly state the lack of support for ‘Requests’ for the purposes of scheduling #7443(vishh)
Select IPv4-only from host interfaces #7721 (smarterclayton)
Metrics tests can’t run on Mac #7723 (smarterclayton)
Add step to API changes doc for swagger regen #7727 (pmorie)
Add NsenterMounter mount implementation #7703 (pmorie)
add StringSet.HasAny #7509 (deads2k)
Add an integration test that checks for the metrics we expect to be exported from the master #6941 (a-robinson)
Minor bash update found by #7722 (eparis)
Add –hostport to run-container. #7536 (rjnagal)
Have rkt implement the container Runtime interface #7659 (vmarmol)
Change the order the different versions of API are registered #7629 (caesarxuchao)
expose: Create objects in a generic way #7699 (kargakis)
Requeue rc if a single get/put retry on status.Replicas fails #7643 (bprashanth)
logs for master components #7316 (ArtfulCoder)
cloudproviders: add ovirt getting started guide #7522 (simon3z)
Make rkt-install a oneshot. #7671 (vmarmol)
Provide container_runtime flag to Kubelet in CoreOS. #7665 (vmarmol)
Boilerplate speedup #7654 (eparis)
Log host for failed pod in Density test #7700 (wojtek-t)
Removes spurious quotation mark #7655 (alindeman)
Add kubectl_label to custom functions in bash completion #7694 (nak3)
Enable profiling in kube-controller #7696 (wojtek-t)
Set vagrant test cluster default NUM_MINIONS=2 #7690 (BenTheElder)
Add metrics to measure cache hit ratio #7695 (fgrzadkowski)
Change IP to IP(S) in service columns for kubectl get #7662 (jlowdermilk)
annotate required flags for bash_completions #7076 (eparis)
(minor) Add pgrep debugging to etcd error #7685 (jayunit100)
Fixed nil pointer issue in describe when volume is unbound #7676 (markturansky)
Removed unnecessary closing bracket #7691 (piosz)
Added TerminationGracePeriod field to PodSpec and grace-period flag to kubectl stop#7432 (piosz)
Fix boilerplate in test/e2e/scale.go #7689 (wojtek-t)
Update expiration timeout based on observed latencies #7628 (bprashanth)
Output generated conversion functions/names #7644 (liggitt)
Moved the Scale tests into a scale file. #7645 #7646 (rrati)
Truncate GCE load balancer names to 63 chars #7609 (brendandburns)
Add SyncPod() and remove Kill/Run InContainer(). #7603 (vmarmol)
Merge release 0.16 to master #7663 (brendandburns)
Update license boilerplate for examples/rethinkdb #7637 (eparis)
First part of improved rolling update, allow dynamic next replication controller generation.#7268 (brendandburns)
Add license boilerplate to examples/phabricator #7638 (eparis)
Use generic copyright holder name in license boilerplate #7597 (eparis)
Retry incrementing quota if there is a conflict #7633 (derekwaynecarr)
Remove GetContainers from Runtime interface #7568 (yujuhong)
Add image-related methods to DockerManager #7578 (yujuhong)
Remove more docker references in kubelet #7586 (yujuhong)
Add KillContainerInPod in DockerManager #7601 (yujuhong)
Kubelet: Add container runtime option. #7652 (vmarmol)
bump heapster to v0.11.0 and grafana to v0.7.0 #7626 (idosh)
Build as a part of the release #7593 (ixdy)
Do not automatically decode runtime.RawExtension #7490 (smarterclayton)
Update changelog. #7500 (brendandburns)
Add SyncPod() to DockerManager and use it in Kubelet #7610 (vmarmol)
Build: Push .md5 and .sha1 files for every file we push to GCS #7602 (zmerlynn)
Fix rolling update –image #7540 (bprashanth)
Update license boilerplate for docs/man/ #7636 (eparis)
Include shell license boilerplate in examples/k8petstore #7632 (eparis)
Add –cgroup_parent flag to Kubelet to set the parent cgroup for pods #7277 (guenter)
change the current dir to the config dir #7209 (you-n-g)
Set Weave To 0.9.0 And Update Etcd Configuration For Azure #7158 (idosh)
Augment describe to search for matching things if it doesn’t match the original resource.#7467 (brendandburns)
Add a simple cache for objects stored in etcd. #7559 (fgrzadkowski)
Rkt gc #7549 (yifan-gu)
Rkt pull #7550 (yifan-gu)
Implement Mount interface using mount(8) and umount(8) #6400 (ddysher)
Trim Fleuntd tag for Cloud Logging #7588 (satnam6502)
GCE CoreOS cluster - set master name based on variable #7569 (bakins)
Capitalization of KubeProxyVersion wrong in JSON #7535 (smarterclayton)
Make nodes report their external IP rather than the master’s. #7530 (mbforbes)
Trim cluster log tags to pod name and container name #7539 (satnam6502)
Handle conversion of boolean query parameters with a value of “false” #7541 (csrwng)
Add image-related methods to Runtime interface. #7532 (vmarmol)
Test whether auto-generated conversions weren’t manually edited #7560 (wojtek-t)
Mention :latest behavior for image version tag #7484 (colemickens)
readinessProbe calls livenessProbe.Exec.Command which cause “invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference”. #7487 (njuicsgz)
Add RuntimeHooks to abstract Kubelet logic #7520 (vmarmol)
Expose URL() on Request to allow building URLs #7546 (smarterclayton)
Add a simple cache for objects stored in etcd #7288 (fgrzadkowski)
Prepare for chaining autogenerated conversion methods #7431 (wojtek-t)
Increase maxIdleConnection limit when creating etcd client in apiserver. #7353 (wojtek-t)
Improvements to generator of conversion methods. #7354 (wojtek-t)
Code to automatically generate conversion methods #7107 (wojtek-t)
Support recovery for anonymous roll outs #7407 (brendandburns)
Bump kube2sky to 1.2. Point it at https endpoint (3rd try). #7527 (cjcullen)
cluster/gce/coreos: Add metadata-service in node.yaml #7526 (yifan-gu)
Move ComputePodChanges to the Docker runtime #7480 (vmarmol)
Cobra rebase #7510 (eparis)
Adding system oom events from kubelet #6718 (vishh)
Move Prober to its own subpackage #7479 (vmarmol)
Fix to work on my macbook (bash v3.2) #7513 (cjcullen)
Move network plugin TearDown to DockerManager #7449 (vmarmol)
Fixes #7498 - CoreOS Getting Started Guide had invalid cloud config #7499 (elsonrodriguez)
Fix invalid character ‘“’ after object key:value pair #7504 (resouer)
Fixed kubelet deleting data from volumes on stop (#7317). #7503 (jsafrane)
Fixing hooks/description to catch API fields without description tags #7482 (nikhiljindal)
cadvisor is obsoleted so kubelet service does not require it. #7457 (aveshagarwal)
Set the default namespace for events to be “default” #7408 (vishh)
Fix typo in namespace conversion #7446 (liggitt)
Convert Secret registry to use update/create strategy, allow filtering by Type #7419 (liggitt)
Use pod namespace when looking for its GlusterFS endpoints. #7102 (jsafrane)
Fixed name of kube-proxy path in deployment scripts. #7427 (jsafrane)
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- Cloud Native Application Interfaces Sep 1
- Security Best Practices for Kubernetes Deployment Aug 31
- Scaling Stateful Applications using Kubernetes Pet Sets and FlexVolumes with Datera Elastic Data Fabric Aug 29
- SIG Apps: build apps for and operate them in Kubernetes Aug 16
- Kubernetes Namespaces: use cases and insights Aug 16
- Create a Couchbase cluster using Kubernetes Aug 15
- Challenges of a Remotely Managed, On-Premises, Bare-Metal Kubernetes Cluster Aug 2
- Why OpenStack's embrace of Kubernetes is great for both communities Jul 26
- The Bet on Kubernetes, a Red Hat Perspective Jul 21
- Happy Birthday Kubernetes. Oh, the places you’ll go! Jul 21
- A Very Happy Birthday Kubernetes Jul 21
- Bringing End-to-End Kubernetes Testing to Azure (Part 2) Jul 18
- Steering an Automation Platform at Wercker with Kubernetes Jul 15
- Dashboard - Full Featured Web Interface for Kubernetes Jul 15
- Cross Cluster Services - Achieving Higher Availability for your Kubernetes Applications Jul 14
- Citrix + Kubernetes = A Home Run Jul 14
- Thousand Instances of Cassandra using Kubernetes Pet Set Jul 13
- Stateful Applications in Containers!? Kubernetes 1.3 Says “Yes!” Jul 13
- Kubernetes in Rancher: the further evolution Jul 12
- Autoscaling in Kubernetes Jul 12
- rktnetes brings rkt container engine to Kubernetes Jul 11
- Minikube: easily run Kubernetes locally Jul 11
- Five Days of Kubernetes 1.3 Jul 11
- Updates to Performance and Scalability in Kubernetes 1.3 -- 2,000 node 60,000 pod clusters Jul 7
- Kubernetes 1.3: Bridging Cloud Native and Enterprise Workloads Jul 6
- Container Design Patterns Jun 21
- The Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes Jun 9
- Bringing End-to-End Kubernetes Testing to Azure (Part 1) Jun 6
- Hypernetes: Bringing Security and Multi-tenancy to Kubernetes May 24
- CoreOS Fest 2016: CoreOS and Kubernetes Community meet in Berlin (& San Francisco) May 3
- Introducing the Kubernetes OpenStack Special Interest Group Apr 22
- SIG-UI: the place for building awesome user interfaces for Kubernetes Apr 20
- SIG-ClusterOps: Promote operability and interoperability of Kubernetes clusters Apr 19
- SIG-Networking: Kubernetes Network Policy APIs Coming in 1.3 Apr 18
- How to deploy secure, auditable, and reproducible Kubernetes clusters on AWS Apr 15
- Container survey results - March 2016 Apr 8
- Adding Support for Kubernetes in Rancher Apr 8
- Configuration management with Containers Apr 4
- Using Deployment objects with Kubernetes 1.2 Apr 1
- Kubernetes 1.2 and simplifying advanced networking with Ingress Mar 31
- Using Spark and Zeppelin to process big data on Kubernetes 1.2 Mar 30
- Building highly available applications using Kubernetes new multi-zone clusters (a.k.a. 'Ubernetes Lite') Mar 29
- AppFormix: Helping Enterprises Operationalize Kubernetes Mar 29
- How container metadata changes your point of view Mar 28
- Five Days of Kubernetes 1.2 Mar 28
- 1000 nodes and beyond: updates to Kubernetes performance and scalability in 1.2 Mar 28
- Scaling neural network image classification using Kubernetes with TensorFlow Serving Mar 23
- Kubernetes 1.2: Even more performance upgrades, plus easier application deployment and management Mar 17
- Kubernetes in the Enterprise with Fujitsu’s Cloud Load Control Mar 11
- ElasticBox introduces ElasticKube to help manage Kubernetes within the enterprise Mar 11
- State of the Container World, February 2016 Mar 1
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160225 Mar 1
- KubeCon EU 2016: Kubernetes Community in London Feb 24
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160218 Feb 23
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160211 Feb 16
- ShareThis: Kubernetes In Production Feb 11
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160204 Feb 9
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160128 Feb 2
- State of the Container World, January 2016 Feb 1
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160121 Jan 28
- Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160114 Jan 28
- Why Kubernetes doesn’t use libnetwork Jan 14
- Simple leader election with Kubernetes and Docker Jan 11
- Creating a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes, the installation (Part 2) Dec 22
- Managing Kubernetes Pods, Services and Replication Controllers with Puppet Dec 17
- How Weave built a multi-deployment solution for Scope using Kubernetes Dec 12
- Creating a Raspberry Pi cluster running Kubernetes, the shopping list (Part 1) Nov 25
- Monitoring Kubernetes with Sysdig Nov 19
- One million requests per second: Dependable and dynamic distributed systems at scale Nov 11
- Kubernetes 1.1 Performance upgrades, improved tooling and a growing community Nov 9
- Kubernetes as Foundation for Cloud Native PaaS Nov 3
- Some things you didn’t know about kubectl Oct 28
- Kubernetes Performance Measurements and Roadmap Sep 10
- Using Kubernetes Namespaces to Manage Environments Aug 28
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - July 31 2015 Aug 4
- The Growing Kubernetes Ecosystem Jul 24
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - July 17 2015 Jul 23
- Strong, Simple SSL for Kubernetes Services Jul 14
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - July 10 2015 Jul 13
- Announcing the First Kubernetes Enterprise Training Course Jul 8
- Kubernetes 1.0 Launch Event at OSCON Jul 2
- How did the Quake demo from DockerCon Work? Jul 2
- The Distributed System ToolKit: Patterns for Composite Containers Jun 29
- Slides: Cluster Management with Kubernetes, talk given at the University of Edinburgh Jun 26
- Cluster Level Logging with Kubernetes Jun 11
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 22 2015 Jun 2
- Kubernetes on OpenStack May 19
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 15 2015 May 18
- Docker and Kubernetes and AppC May 18
- Kubernetes Release: 0.17.0 May 15
- Resource Usage Monitoring in Kubernetes May 12
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - May 1 2015 May 11
- Kubernetes Release: 0.16.0 May 11
- AppC Support for Kubernetes through RKT May 4
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - April 24 2015 Apr 30
- Borg: The Predecessor to Kubernetes Apr 23
- Kubernetes and the Mesosphere DCOS Apr 22
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - April 17 2015 Apr 17
- Kubernetes Release: 0.15.0 Apr 16
- Introducing Kubernetes API Version v1beta3 Apr 16
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - April 10 2015 Apr 11
- Faster than a speeding Latte Apr 6
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - April 3 2015 Apr 4
- Paricipate in a Kubernetes User Experience Study Mar 31
- Weekly Kubernetes Community Hangout Notes - March 27 2015 Mar 28
- Kubernetes Gathering Videos Mar 23
- Welcome to the Kubernetes Blog! Mar 20